Monday, December 22, 2014

Maren comes home this Saturday @7:00 pm on Delta.  Her homecoming is this Sunday at 9:00 am 2180 East Meadowlark Way (9020 South) Sandy, Utah

Hi, words cannot express how I feel right now so I'm not even gonig to try to say how I feel in this letter. Guatemala has stolen my heart. Its hard to leave it behind but I'm excited to start the new chapter of my life. I love you all. Thank you for your prayers, your letters, your love and your support. FELIZ NAVIDAD! See you on Saturday! 

con mucho amor,
Hermana Outsen

Monday, December 8, 2014

SSSOOOOOoooooo this week was awesome!! On Tuesday I went to the temple with everyone that goes home this month. I love the Xela Temple! It was one of my best temple trips of all time. I just thanked the Lord for this experience and for all of my areas and my companions and converts and just everything. I cant even express the impact my mission has had on my life. Guatemala has such a special place in my heart. and I also I got to hang out with hermana Minnick and Elder Medina all day long aka two of my favorite people on the planet. Oh and also I ate subway, haven't done that in 17 months... it was yummy. 
   On Thursday my companion was super sick so I painted the house. In Guatemala if you want to paint your house pink its free game. It looks nice, and also the house is really clean. There is this sickness going around and literally EVERYONE in all of central America has it unless you are me because I don't get sick. its called chickenguya. I have zero idea how to spell that but thats how it sounds... me and my district leader just call it chicken goo goo. Its super rough! everyone who has it is basically dysfunctional for a solid 2 to 10 days. The elders in my area have it, my comp has is, our investigators have it, members have it. its really slowing down the work. but I feel great so don't worry!
   Then on Friday we went to Xetutu wahooo! (guatemalas disneyland) We were there with 4 other zones and I got to see my Brillantes family! We did a christmas gift exchange between the 4 of them, I love them so much! it was so great to see them! So it was super fun to run around like children and hit up all the rides and eat icecream and watch a magic show and see all my friends! nice stress relief!
     Then on Saturday we had a really good work day and I was so pumped to teach and talk to everyone about El es la Dadiva and we had one of the best days we have had yet in our area.
   Then on Sunday we went to the stake center for the christmas devotional. As a zone we planned an activity to do with the stake and with our investigators. We set off floating lanterns! like the one from tangled! that was definitely something new in Guatemala and everyone LOVED it! we paired each investigator with a member and they set off a lantern. it was magical! and President and his wife came and all the office people and we got a lot of contacts out of it. it was super cool! then we had a sleepover with hermana Laiche and Mendez, hermana Laiche is hands down my number one favorite latina on the planet, she is so adorable! I will be making a trip to peru to visit her very soon. 
   And today we went to play paintball which I have done like 10 times because I was in San Felipe for 8 months and its in San Felipe. but its always a good time. Well. happy december! tell Ryley I say hi! love you all lots! hugs and kisses! 

hermana outsen

Saturday, December 6, 2014

                                      Minnick Outsen and Valeriano! BFF

                         San Martin reunion! I love them all so much!  
hola! Sorry I am writing early today, and also sorry again because I don't have much time so this email will probably be short and lame. We are going to Xetulu (guatemalas disneyland) again as a mission on friday so we don't have pday today. Just going to write, buy some cereal, and get to work. So thats why I’m writing early.
   So not much happened this week! We painted our house, baptized a nino, fasted like 6 times because between the four of us here in peru we have like 7 quetz which we discovered is enough to buy a weeks worth of beans and a few tortillas. yum. we had a multizona conference, it was a huge machete! President just whipped us all into shape for like 3 hours because my mission is really disobedient and half the mission is going home next week so everyone is also very unfocused.  After the conference we all repented and promised to be better. 
   My zone performed a musical number. I had a solo and I woke up with NO voice. so I went outside and picked some lemons off some tree outside my house and downed it. I may or may not have broken my fast with pure lemon juice.  but it worked! I saw my two favorite people on the planet at the conference, hermana Minnick and Hermana Valeriano. I love them! they make me so happy! um... okay well thats all. I love all the pictures you sent! I ate beans and tortillas for thanksgiving.. provecho.. the elders in my area and I planned a big dinner with pie and turkey and other good stuff but then we ran out of money so that didn't happen. next year... love you all! talk to you next week!


hermana Outsen

Monday, November 24, 2014

 chillin with some kids from the Enriquez family.  
 Yasmin and Isabel Enriquez

our recent converts from the Enriquez family. Im obsessed with the enriquez family....