Monday, February 24, 2014

Hi mom! That is a really cool story that Alex said, and I am sorry about his companion, What a lame head. I hope he is happy though!
    Well I got a phone call from Elder Zamudio on Tuesday night telling me to pack my bags. So Tuesday was a pretty crazy day. I had to say goodbye to some of my favorite people and it was so sad! I got my package Tuesday morning which was so perfect because I got to drop of the presents you sent and say goodbye. They all cried and it was so cute, thank you so much, everything was perfect! Borris said ¨sank you silly mush¨ (thank you very much) and then gave me a big hug and told me he was so excited to wear his new clothes on Sunday and he told me that I had to wear the flower he made me in my hair. I told him I wasn't going to be there on sunday but that I would wear the flower on sunday in my new ward. He started to cry and then I started to cry and it was just a big mess but it was also really precious. I told hermana prince to take of picture of him in his new clothes on sunday and she said she would. He is going to look so cute! So there is a lady in my ward, Emelia lopez who is so hilariously awesome and always helps us and feeds us and she just rocks. She is relief society president and she knew I was leaving. So she told hermana prince to come to the church at 5. hermana prince just told me that we had a lesson in the chapel, so I had no idea. We walked into to the church and it was dark and everyone jumped out and yelled surprise and all the hermanas had made all of my favorite food (I have eaten with all of them so many times so they all know what my favorites are) and they sang to me my favorite hymn (which they also know) so we ate and said goodbye and cried. I was so touched! I love this ward so much and I love these people. It was a really bitter sweet day.
   So after my eyes dried out I packed up all my stuff and went to change meeting wednesday morning. They sent me to Coatepeque which is about an hour from where Reu, Tzununa, the office, and the mission home are. Coatepeque is AWESOME! i already love it! My area is so cool and my ward is huge. and it is not deathly hot here. My new companion is Hermana Pineda, she is from Mexico and she's so cute! all she does is laugh all day long, I love her! she is just so funny and always happy and she is just a joy to be around. i live with two other hermanas and I share a ward with two elders. My house is really nice and I live with a mexican, a tongan, and a nerdy white girl; doesn't get much better than that. We dont live in our area so we walk  A LOT and my area is like nothing but hills and little pebble pathways, its so cute! oh and you will never guess who my zone leader is, Elder Heiner. Aka Austin Heiner, aka the one in our stake who went to brighton, albion, and quail hollow with me and was jackie’s trek brother. ha ha! So thats pretty cool, maybe you should go out to lunch with his mom or something.
    Well I will try to send some pics now but this computer sucks so it probably wont work. but I love you to the moon and back, have fun in Vegas!!

hermana outsen

Monday, February 17, 2014

 My Relief Society hair cut
 My Relief Society braid
 We made this for olman and his wife for valentines day. ha ha he loved it!
 this is how we travel when there are no tuks tuks. in the back of a pick up. 
 My owl face

 An owl - COOL
 surfs up in Guat! Please be sure to show this to sherrie!
 This is what a traditional guatemalan women wears. COOL! 

Hi mom, Hi Jackie,
The reason my letter came so early last week was because we wrote early but usually we don’t write until 3 or 4 and today its especially late because we went to the beach!! but I have no control over what time I write, I just do what they tell me. 
    So this week we had a multi zone conference with president, that was fun! He gave a really good talk and we did some workshops and ate a really yummy lunch with mashed potatoes and I haven't had mashed potatoes since before my mission and it tasted just like heaven. 
    Then on Thursday there was a relief society activity. All the hermanas showed up in the church and cut each others hair and that was the activity, ha ha ha! So on sunday they were like Hermana Outsen, you have to come to the activity this week because you have pretty hair and we are going to demonstrate braids on your hair. so I was like okay I can do that and then when I got there I got a hair cut from some random guatemalan lady who has no experience in cutting hair who is not even a member and I don’t even know her. but it turned out alright I think.... hair grows back so its whatever and we got a new investigator out of it so it was worth it. 
     This week we had an area attack in Tzununa so all the missionaries in my zone came to my area and we all went out and contacted all morning  and visited less actives because everyone I talk to is less active I swear.  So now we have like a billion references and I am super excited for this week because I think we are going to find a lot of new really cool peeps. 
     Well thats about all that happened this week. Olman had his baptism interview and he has a little ooops in his past that is going to postpone his baptism. We are going to talk to president and hopefully work everything out soon. He is so awesome and I absolutely love teaching him and getting to know him, he is so great! His son lives in the states so if you see him tell him hi.
   This morning we went to the beach and I totally loved it, it was so beautiful and we played soccer and Frisbee in the nice soft sand and ate fish. I ate the fish´s eyeball!!! no joke. It tasted like lotion. Changes are on Wednesday so we will see what happens. I could be saying goodbye to Tzununa tomorrow, so sad. Well I love you lots, to the moon and back. and I love being a missionary and I love guatemala. I am living the dream


Monday, February 10, 2014

loved all the pictures this week! that new puppy is so adorable! do him and char dog get along? I bet charlie is really jealous. I am so sorry to hear about Alexs friend, I really hope Alex isnt too upset about it, he wrote me and told me but he didnt say much about it, I will be sure to pray extra hard for him this week. ha ha looks like phil hasnt changed much, I think I am going to copy and paste that little story and send it to Kendra, she will get a kick out of that. and I loved the pic of Max and Steph but it came with no explanation and I told him a million times that when he did it I wanted a very detailed email! I guess I will just have to email Steph and ask her about it, I would rather hear it from the girls point of view anyway. 
    Well I know Utah is still covered in snow but Guatemala is changing colors right now and it is gorgeous! A bunch of trees covered in bright yellow flowers popped up all over the place and it is beautiful. and mangos are finally coming into season but the nice sweet ones dont come in until march so right now everyone walks around with their green mango and chili. they are really sour and the chili doesnt help but no one ever eats fruit here without chili, ever. Olman is still going stong, he is like the smartest dude ever and he came to all three hours of church yesterday and it is just so fun to teach smart pepole who want to listen to you, I know he is going to get baptized it is just a matter of when, I sure hope it is before changes though. 
     So this week I got attacked by a goose. We were teaching this old guy and he has a bunch of animals running around his house; dogs, chickens, geese. turkeys, pigs, you name it. and this one goose would not leave me alone. I was just sitting on my little tree stump trying to teach and the goose kept honking at me and circling me and I was just awkwardly trying to ignore it. so finally the guy threw a rock at it so he ran away but I guess that miffed him off or something because like 10 seconds later he snuck up behind me and bit me so I yelped because it surprised me and so he bit me again!! Thats when the little 7 year old nephew came to the rescue and chased it away with a stick. Then the guy told us he couldnt come to church with us because he has a bladder issue and he said he would be really embarrassed if he accidently peed in church because he cant control when he goes to the bathroom. Now we have a response for just about every excuse they throw at us here but we just did not know what to say for that one so props to him. 
    Well thats about it for this week, Oh and I spoke in church yesterday so that was fun. I am not really funny in english so I am really not funny in spanish so I think everyone was just really bored. but I love my ward so its whatever. give poe a big kiss for me. Sorry I dont have any pics this week, I forgot my cord and also I didnt take any pics this week... Love you to the moon and back, happy valentines day!

hermana outsen

Monday, February 3, 2014

            this is hands down my favorite guatemalan. hermana loti, oh how I love her.                           

                                                      This is where we play soccer

cute little guat baby. This is kimberly sams kid, sabastian. he is so adorable huh!
El Palon

ha ha loved your letter this week mamma! your facebook friend is Lloana and she told me that you wrote her in english and the only thing she could understand was baby cute but she said cute wrong. ha ha. yes she is in my ward and I love that family! they are great! and I dont know which shoes you are talking about but I love all of my shoes they are all perfect. they are very dirty but all still in great shape! and I loved the picture this week!! Hermana prince always looks through my photo book because she thinks Max and Alex are both so cute, I get that a lot from the hermanas. they are all like, "did your mom send any more pictures of your brothers!" so the picture of the week today was a hit! Boris is as cute as ever! yesterday he told me all about his girlfriend who is also in my ward, shes like 7. She is the little girl in the picture I sent a few weeks ago with the two girls and me in the church. I told him that you sent him something and he was like "IS IT ANOTHER MONKEY?!" me and him are both very excited for the package. 
     Well this week was super cool! It was a pretty average week here in the mission so I dont have anything too exciting to report but on saturday we found a guy named olman and he is like so ready it is crazy! hermana prince and I are finally starting to see some fruits and he is super cool! He came to testimony meeting yesterday and loved it and we have a family night with him tonight with hermana mima! now that mimas husband is active again and quit drinking he is like the smartest guy in the ward and he is so helpful and so awesome! I had no idea how pilas and nice he was because he was always drunk but now he is like our number one go to guy, we told them we were going to bring an american treat so we are going to make rice crispy treats. 
    Well like I said this week was pretty average and I dont really have much to say so here is a pointless story that made me laugh really hard this week. So the elders came with us to a lesson this week for a partial family, but he wasnt home so we just talked to his wife for a bit who is a member. she has a little boy who is like 6 years old and he just talks constantly and no one can ever understand a word he says. so we walk in and he stands up and points at my zone leader and says, "he doesnt have hair!" and that is literally the only thing we understood him say all night. then when we left he called him baldy. We were all giving him a hard time as we were walking there, telling him that he was old and bald because he has a lot of time in the mission but totally joking around and then that little boy said that and we all just about died from laughing so hard. 
   tell grandma I miss her emails but I understand so dont worry! tell her I love her! and thanks for the super bowl update. hermana princes dad is a die hard crazy broncos fan so she got some nasty emails today, ha ha. I am glad Alex got off okay, I am sure he is loving it already, keep me updated! love you to the moon and back!


hermana ousen